God saw creativity as a need for expression in His children. The Union University major in Pre-Professional Art Therapy allows students to follow this path of expression for themselves and others. This major is for undergraduate courses with the intent of further master study to obtain a degree in art therapy. Pre-Professional Art Therapy focuses on providing students with a foundation in the studio and while providing select courses in the psychology department. Emphasis currently ranked the top 25 schools in the nation to offer the program by bestcounselingdegrees.net.

ART 323 / Sculpture I
ART 231 / Photography I
ART 311 / Painting I
ART 216 / Ceramics I
ART 485 / Art Therapy Internship
ART XXX & ART XXX / Secondary Emphasis (2 courses in your choice)

PSY 213 / Intro to Psychology
PSY 219 / Developmental Psychology
PSY 317 / Abnormal Psychology
PSY 323 / Theories of Personality
PSY 410 / Advanced General Psychology
PSY 412 / Experimental Psychology
PSY 413 / Psychological Assessment
PSY 425 / Intro to Counseling

Ranked number top 20 in nation for Best Undergraduate Degrees in Art Therapy
The Union University Art Therapy Program is ranked number 20 in nation for Best Affordable Undergraduate Degrees in Art Therapy by bestcounseling.net for 2016.